Trees in the Garden
The courtyard's many interesting trees are identified, including information on whether they are a Shakespearean tree, memorial, or original planting.
We invite you to use our Tree Map as you follow along with the video.
In the Canon Gardens are three trees trained as espaliers; this is the process of training a tree to grow against a flat surface, such as a wall. The method involves years of dedicated pruning to create a main vertical stem, and then train new side branches to achieve the desired shape. These trees seem small, but if you look at the size of their trunks you can tell they are older trees. The near tree is an apple, the middle espalier a pear, and the third another apple.
The courtyard's many interesting trees are identified, including information on whether they are a Shakespearean tree, memorial, or original planting.
We invite you to use our Tree Map as you follow along with the video.